Saints row 3 soundtrack
Saints row 3 soundtrack

saints row 3 soundtrack

Place this new file into /steamapps/common/saints row the third/packfiles/pc/cache. "path\to\tools\bin_sr3\" "C:\soundboot.vpp_pc" "C:/path/to/folder/"Replace the first one where you want the new soundboot.vpp_pc to be (make sure it is named soundboot.vpp_pc) and the second one to the folder you placed your extracted the original soundboot.vpp_pc, plus your replaced file. Copy that file to a new folder you will work in, and extract the audio files and metadata from the archive: Make sure it has "_media" in it, or else the next step won't work.ģ. The filename should be in the format "radio_*_media.bnk_pc". Where you extracted sounds_common.vpp_pc, find the media file for your radio station you wish to edit. Soundboot.vpp_pc must be extracted to its own folder, but I recommend you extract them all to separate folders so you don't get confused later on.Ģ.

saints row 3 soundtrack

All files should be in /steamapps/common/saints row the third/packfiles/pc/cache: Use gibbed's tools to extract the following files from your SR3 install. * NOTE: I have also attached the bnk_tools and SR3_Audiotools archives to this post as well in case the above links are down.

  • Some program to convert your songs to.
  • when installing, uncheck the SDK option, because we don't need it and it adds an extra 600MB to your install.
  • bnk_pc_extractor and bnk_pc_packer, get those here:.
  • Here's a very quick and very rough step-by-step guide to place your own music in Saints Row: The Third.

    saints row 3 soundtrack

    Custom Songs, Saints Row, and You: A Primer

    Saints row 3 soundtrack